30 April 2009

Absolutely Fabulous

Something terrific happened to me.

A couple of months ago, one of the women in my knitting group contacted The Knitter magazine and suggested our group for their gallery page. They were keen to feature us, apparently, and we submitted a shortlist of projects to be featured.

My AbFab throw by Colinette was one of the five accepted.

In this month's issue, on newsstands now, there is a photo of me and one of the throw I knitted. Amazing.

All of the projects look wonderful; the photographs really do the items justice.

It's such an honor to be chosen and to be featured alongside these fabulous knitters and exceptional women.

Well done, ladies. Well done.


Anonymous said...

I see famous people!

You guys (and your knits) look fabulous. Well done, indeed.

Anonymous said...

The throw is featured in the index too and it is indeed absolutely fabulous.

ibcmeir said...

Mazel Tov! I gotta see if we get that in the States. Post the picture later if you can.