14 June 2009


What do you do after destroying Tokyo with your big pink bandage?

You take a nap, of course.


ibcmeir said...

too cute.

Anonymous said...

She cracks me up. She looks so innocent...I know the truth!

Anonymous said...

Oh no! what's she done to her paw? the little darling - said in a fond indulgent aunty tone :)

Just Teaching said...

Is that the bandage you found after searching and searching? She's so cute! Does she really like all things pink?

Black Purl said...

Funnily enough, she does.

Scheherazaad said...

So cute. What's the bandage for?

Black Purl said...

She had to have a nail removed after tearing and then loosening it doing something dastardly out in the garden. She was probably trying to prise open a tin of dog food without my knowing it...