22 March 2007

Pirates of the Caribbean 4

...Curse of the Knit/Purl

Holy freakin' moly. This is why knitters get no respect.


Emy said...

Awwww...that reminds me of Williamsburg:


I'm a little verklemp, I think.

WantonWriter said...

Do you think the woman on the bottom is a lesbian with waxing issues? Or do you think it's a man who wishes he were a lesbian so women would find him more attractive.

Do you think the woman on the bottom is a bottom? Singularly.

Do you think the woman on top really thought the knife enhanced the picture or was she just being wacky?? Do you think she may not have friends who would advise her against such photographic shenanigans? Perhaps they're away at a travelling Ren Faire?

Do you think the woman on top has ever been on top? I think not.

Gosh I miss you. I bet you make the whole UK a lot sunnier!


Anonymous said...

Better be careful she doesn't sip or that'll be one nice Chelsea smile!

Anonymous said...

*slip* d'oh!

Anonymous said...

I agree. Hopefully not too many non-knitters will see these photos.

Natalie said...


Mandi said...

LOL, knitters are great! I'm a beader, and your swap buddy for flower pen swap :) Hope you like what I'm sending, and have a crafty day!